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COVID-19 and Services

As of November 18, the Michigan Department of Human Health Services (MDHHS) has put in place an emergency order targeting indoor social gatherings and other group activities in an effort to curb rapidly rising COVID-19 infection rates. This includes a restriction of group exercise classes and group training. 


This certainly places our fitness facility in a bit of a predicament because our primary specialization is group training. Therefore, to continue serving you and protect our community, we need to pivot and adapt. We have reduced our building occupancy from the MDHHS mandated 25% (24 individuals) down to 16 individuals in hopes to do our part in safely curving the rapid rising of COVID-19 infection rates in West Michigan. Furthermore, our core service model will be temporarily altered. Although this new model may not be the same that we’re used to, it is the best we can appropriately provide.


Don’t worry...the bike sprints aren’t going anywhere! ;)


WOD Pod and Open Gym Time (THE NEW EXPERIENCE)


We have temporarily divided our facility in half. One half contains our WOD Pods (the mats), and the other, our squat racks for individual workouts/open gym in our garage area. 


Our WOD Pods are 8 ft x 8 ft socially distanced workout pods that contain individual equipment to perform a programmed workout of the day (WOD) that will be run by the individual. Each day we will have a new WOD printed out for each pod that will be similar to our normal group training workouts, however can be done anytime during our open gym hours, individually. WOD Pods will be available for reservation every 35 minutes during our open gym hours, and the workouts will be approximately 30 minutes long.


The individual squat racks provide you with the ability to perform strength training with the barbell equipment or your personal workout that is not the WOD. If you would prefer this, you may reserve a squat rack in our garage space. Additionally, if you would like to work 1-on-1 with a coach for personal training, this would occur here.


A coach will be present during all hours to staff the facility, and answer any questions about the WOD or assist if needed. 


We will have 10 WOD Pods, and 6 Squat Racks available for individual workouts throughout the day in 35 minute increments. You are able to book up to 2 consecutive 35 minute increments (70 minutes in total) in the squat rack space if your workout requires more time.


To purchase and schedule an Open Gym/Class Pass, CLICK HERE


Open Gym Hours (effective 11/19)


5AM to 1PM Monday-Friday


4PM to 8PM Monday-Thursday


7AM to 11AM Saturday


Closed Sunday


*Days and hours are subject to change based on demand and MDHHS*

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